Project Management Unraveled - the afterparty

Why enrolment is closed and what's up next

As I swept the last bit of confetti out of the corner on Monday morning, I looked around and thought back to the previous night’s party.

The faces. The cheers. The laughs.

The awkward aunt dancing on the table.

OK, I’m over-romanticizing.

The confetti was digital, and the sweeping meant closing the checkout page of Project Management Unraveled, but the feeling is similar.

It’s been a good one.

There’s a lot more cleanup to do. I have over 100 new students in the course to follow up with. There are office hours to prepare, feedback to process, and updates to release.

Meanwhile, at least a dozen of you have reached out to see if they can sneak into the backdoor. They missed the party.

And while I’d love to let more people in, I have two reasons not to do so:

  1. It wouldn’t be fair to those who joined in time, and I like to keep my word.

  2. It’s a form of crowd control and ensures I can spend enough time with the news students.

You see, this was the first time I launched a course like this. It was a big project for my company. So there are loads of things to learn and improve - which is what we’ll dig in next week.

If I continue to let people in, I can’t zoom out, wrap up, and learn from it. Just like any other project.

If it doesn’t have a deadline, it’s not a project - it’s just work.

In next week’s newsletter, I’ll do a “debrief in public”. I’ll walk you through how I wrap up this project and extract the lessons learned.

It’ll give you a peek behind the curtains and show how you can apply the same approach to your projects, to ensure you learn from your mistakes and improve for the next one.

Speaking of the next one: yes, there will be more opportunities to join Project Management Unraveled in the future. I have not decided when yet, but you’ll be the first to know.

And with that, we’ll be back to normal from next Tuesday.

You’ll get a weekly email from me with ideas, experiments, and stories from the trenches of project management, to help you lead successful projects with confidence.

Speak soon,