The Big Problem With PM Tools

Project Management Unraveled

Yesterday, I shared the story of how my friend Dave sparked the idea for this newsletter.

A seemingly random question turned into millions of people reading my project management ideas and led to working with dozens of project managers to help improve their projects.

One of those project managers is Rachel.

Rachel is a team leader in a mid-sized marketing firm, and she’s seen it all.

Projects running late? Check. Clients with unrealistic expectations that only surfaced after the work was done? Check. Internal battles for resources that leave her empty-handed? Check.

She’d had enough when her manager pushed her yet again for an impossible budget.

So she went on a quest to get her projects under control. A quest to win back her time. A quest for confidence in her projects, and the results to match it.

And the first thing she did? What most people do. She got herself a new project management tool that was all the rave at the time (it even had AI!).

Fast forward a couple of months to our call, and she’d missed yet another deadline. On top of that, her team was now confused and her data is scattered because of the different tools she’s trying.

The thing is, despite the big claims, a new project management tool won’t magically solve your problems.

In fact, if anything, after the months of implementation, you’re left with more issues than before. The same is true for complicated and theoretical methods or frameworks - more complexity is never the answer.

The problem is that tools, methods, and systems - they’re all a reflection of your thinking. So without understanding the underlying principles, without understanding why things work, they won’t save you.

So when she reached out, Rachel and I got to work immediately.

Within three months, her team and her clients are back to being happy. More importantly, Rachel’s back in full control.

Tomorrow, I’ll share the steps I took with Rachel to help her lead her projects with confidence - and how you can do the same.

Speak soon,



I have something for you tomorrow too but it’s time-sensitive, so please keep an eye out.